Lamka North

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There are five Pastorate within Lamka North Presbytery . They are:-

1    Lamka Pastorate
2    S. Kawtlian Pastorarte
3    Kangvai Pastorate
4    Sugnu Pastorate
5    Dumlian Pastorate
One Pastorate is formed by certain number of Local Churches. Every Pastorate has one Pastor in-charge and in some, there are Pro-Pastors  under probation for Pastoral Ministry full time service inside and outside our Presbyteries and Mission Field. There is a Quarter for our in-service Pastors in every pastorate. The Local Churches within the Pastorate are under the administration of the Pastor and Local Elders. Brief reports of number of churches under each Pastorate are as follows:-

Lamka Pastorate


( Pastor - Rev. Kanga)

1     Hill Town Kochuam
2    Lamka Kochuam
3    Nazareth Kochuam
4    H.Q. Veng Kochuam   
5    Gangte Veng Kochuam

S.Kawtlian Pastorate

( Pastor - Rev. Thanglianlal)

1     S. Kawtlian Kochuam
2    Pengjang Kochuam
3    Leisang Kochuam       
4    Buialjang Kochuam
5    Chakmual Kochuam
6    V Kawlmun Kochuam  

Kangvai Pastorate

(Pastor - Rev. S Khaikhawlam)

1     Kangvai Kochuam  
2    K. Kawtlian Kochuam    
3    Mualngat Kochuam
4    Chawlmunnuam Kochuam
5    Torbung Kochuam
6    V Kawlmun Kochuam  
7    Laika Kochuam    
8    New Dampi Kochuam
Sugnu Pastorate

( Pastor - Rev. C. Lalngaihawma)

Pro-Pastor Eric Lienlalmuon

1    Sugnu Tribal Church
2    Dongjang Church         
3    Soukom church
4    T. Lailoiphai  church      
5    L Khonomphai church

Dumlian Pastorate

Pastor - Rev. S Mangminthang

1    Dumlian Kochuam
2    Tuiningkhal Kochuam
3    L. Muncham Kochuam
4    Tuinuphai Kochuam

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