Lamka South

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There are four Pastorate within Lamka South Presbytery. They are:-

1    D. Phailian Pastorate
2    New Lamka Pastorate
3    Mata Pastorate
4    Panglian Pastorate
One Pastorate is formed by certain number of Local Churches. Every Pastorate has one Pastor in-charge and in some of the Pastorate, there are Pro-Pastor who are under probation for Pastoral Ministry full time service inside and outside our Presbyteries and Mission Field. There is a Quarter for our in-service Pastors in every pastorate. The Local Churches within the Pastorate are under the administration of the Pastor and Local Elders. Brief reports of number of churches under each Pastorate are as follows:-

D Phailian Pastorate - Pastor Lalremliana Colney

1    Jubilee Church
2    Centenary Church
3    Bible Hill Church
4    Bethany Church

New Lamka Pastorate - Nicky Lalremmawia

Pro-Pastor Siamlalron Neihsial

1    New Lamka Church
2    Gangpimual Church
3    Ngathal Church
4    Mualkawi Branch Church
5    V. Khawnuam Church

Mata Pastorate -Rev. Malakia Lalnunfela

Pro-Pastor Lallunglian

1    Mata Vengpi Church
2    Lingsiphai Church
3    S Munnuam Church
4    Buallian Church
5    Sumtukphai Church
6    New Mata Church
7    Bualkawt Branch Church
8    Canal Veng Branch Church

Panglian Pastorate - Pastor Ngurthanmawia

1    Panglian Church
2    Muallum Church
3    Singat Church
4    S. Zezaw Church
5    B Tuallian Church
6    Geltamjang Church


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